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Author: Max
Downloads: 44
Uploaded: 2022-11-19


Update to MaxMods: added triangle area equation, another temperature and pressure conversion, random button may be pressed multiple times to generate a list of random numbers.


Author: vanLudwig
Downloads: 50
Uploaded: 2022-11-03


Modified the default layout to not use fullscreen/​immersive mode. Requires version 3.1.2 or later.


Author: Max
Downloads: 41
Uploaded: 2022-09-21


Slight re-arrangement of functions with a focus on minimizing duplicates and combining invertible operations onto same buttons with long press, which is indicated by a triangle foldover symbol in each case. Includes common unit conversions and macro for quadratic and Pythagorean equations.

Long Scale Alternate Answers

Author: vanLudwig
Downloads: 227
Uploaded: 2018-09-01


Use long scale text labels (million, milliard, billion, billiard, etc.) when displaying alternate answers.

SI Alternate Answers

Author: vanLudwig
Downloads: 195
Uploaded: 2018-09-01


Use metric prefixes (k, M, G, T, etc.) when displaying alternate answers.

In-Place Operators

Author: vanLudwig
Downloads: 247
Uploaded: 2018-06-14


Variant of the stock layout with new in-place operators functionality. Perform operations on the selected item in the stack as if it were the top of the stack.

Ultimate 2

Author: vanLudwig
Downloads: 399
Uploaded: 2018-06-09


Added a lot of custom functions and subroutines. New toolbar of comparison and boolean operators on the long-press of 9. Added several new solver functions on the long-press of 4. Rewrote entire TVM financial toolbar on long-press of 5. New tools to turn a decimal into a perfect number on the long-press of 6. Operators treat the selected line on stack as the top of the stack. Optimized for 9x18 screens.

Larger Font

Author: vanLudwig
Downloads: 279
Uploaded: 2017-11-03


Variant of the stock layout with a larger font used for equations, answers, and the console.

Default Tablet

Author: Acron Games
Downloads: 236
Uploaded: 2017-10-15


Default tablet layout provided with Acron RPN Calculator


Author: Nigel (UK)
Downloads: 307
Uploaded: 2017-09-05


I've put the functions I use most often as long presses on number and operator keys and I've put labels on the keys to show this. The lower (and smaller) function label on a key is invoked by a long press.


Author: vanLudwig
Downloads: 313
Uploaded: 2017-09-01


Variant of stock layout with many extra functions available though long-press. Look for the shaded upper-right corner of toolbar buttons to indicate they have a long-press function. Also, long-press 7 for scientific constants, 8 for unit conversions, 4 for calculus/solver functions, and 5 for TVM financial functions.


Author: vanLudwig
Downloads: 309
Uploaded: 2017-08-31


Pretty decent replica of an HP32SII. It obviously isn't programmable, and there's a few other buttons I had to change or repurpose, but it gives you a good idea of what's possible through layouts.


Author: Nigel (UK)
Downloads: 194
Uploaded: 2017-08-31


Layout that includes the "where" function. This layout includes a row with six buttons, but to me it looks fine! I've added borders to the buttons and I've changed the "Change sign" key label from "(-)" to a more traditional "CHS".


Author: Nigel (UK)
Downloads: 216
Uploaded: 2017-08-30


Here's my first attempt. It adds an extra row of keys above the numbers to give access to some of the new functions. The added keys are: x - a variable for use in the functions below; zero - finds the zero of a function of x; integ - integrates a function of x between specified limits; deriv - finds the numerical derivative of a function of x at a particular value of x; sigma - sums a function of x over a specified range.

More Memory Registers

Author: vanLudwig
Downloads: 236
Uploaded: 2017-08-29


Variant of the stock layout that adds 28 memory registers (a-z + theta and phi)

Default Phone

Author: Acron Games
Downloads: 356
Uploaded: 2017-08-27


Default phone layout provided with Acron RPN Calculator


Author: vanLudwig
Downloads: 240
Uploaded: 2017-08-27


Extremely primitive layout based on the Casio SL-240LB. This is a good place to start if you want to write a layout from scratch, especially if you are trying to mimic a physical calculator.